17 Aug 2024

Disclaimer: This post is mainly my reflections from the book (ideas that I found interesting, stuff that I know but need constant reminding etc.).

Check out my Goodreads profile for all my book recommendations (maintained since 2021 Jan).

Book: Do The Work

Author: Steven Pressfield

Rating: 5 star

Don’t think. Act. Start before you think you are ready.

We can always revisit and revise once we have acted. But we can accomplish NOTHING until we act. If you can take away one thing from this book, it is this.


Whenever you are being prevented from working on long term growth, health or integrity, and asked to choose the path of immediate gratification, you have met Resistance. Fear, self doubt, procrastination, addiction, ego - all are forms of resistance!

And Resistance has a lot of interesting qualities:

During meditation, you are told to become a third person and watch your thoughts come and go. You are told to just observe them, and let them float away.

Resistance is inside you. It comes from inside us. You can be on a spaceship to Pluto, settle down and resistance will still be with you.But, just because it is inside you, does not mean it is you.

The work of our life is to get to our true real self thoughts. Get them, access them, and have your own true, authentic speak.

Here comes resistance. When you get out to do something, the universe is not indifferent. It is actually hostile. We can never eliminate resistance, it will never go away. But never take it lightly. Respect it. Never underestimate it.


One quick hack to prevent resistance is to understand how it functions. By default and without fail, Resistance will ALWAYS point to its true north. Which means it is always going to stop us from doing the thing we should be doing.

So how does one really start?

First off, enough with the excuses. You have in your hand the information of the civilisation. Everything that needs to be done is in this one MacBook right in your hand. You are connected to the world, the playing field has never been more level. But, everyone is just waiting for one thing - for you to DO THE WORK!

The process of shipping

HOW TO GET STUFF OUT: The first draft

PROCESS: writing/ composing /idea generation

the pure joyous passion to take a shot at our dream & see if we can pull it off.